Sunday, July 20, 2014

Adam Savage's man cave

This is a wet dream of any geek that doesnt have access to a techshop.

Also, I guess he couldn't go to a place like this, as he would attract too much attention and be productive.  Fame has a price.

I always find his videos inspiring, clever, fun and instructive ...
Thank you for sharing.

Monday, July 7, 2014

200 mph around the isle of man

Thanks for recording it...

CRAZY On-Bike Lap! 200mph TT races! Michael Dunlo…:

Friday, June 13, 2014


Here is the article on Wired Magazine about Tesla's act of greatness.

This makes me think of the 10 commandments of the maker by Adam Savage for the 2014 San Francisco Maker Faire : "6. Share your methods and knowledge and don't make them a secret. Take lots of pictures and make notes. Make noise. You will forget key details unless you do. Recognize that no matter how esoteric the build or the process you're working on, somebody somewhere is interested in the same thing and will benefit from your experience, no matter how young you are. Nobody has the monopoly on being you. No one can steal that. Don't keep secrets! "
the video of this speech is here :

I look forward seeing what the others will do with these tools and inventions.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Helmet from Icon

This is a big statement against open face helmets, to say the least.